Internal Online Links » Waterford School Links

Waterford School Links

Waterford Learning is an online program your children use in grades TK-1st grade at FIllmore Unified elementary schools to practice reading, math, and science. The lessons are engaging and interactive.  Each school has a unique link. The program works as an app on iPads and as a link for computers.
If you are using an iPad please download the free app first:
Then scan the QR code for your child's school.
If you are not using an iPad or iPhone select the icon listed for Computer Link for your child's school.
Mountain Vista QR code for Mt Vista Waterford MV Waterford Desktop App
Piru Piru Waterford iPad QR Code Piru Waterford Desktop Link
Rio Vista Rio Vista QR Code Waterford Rio Vista Waterford Desktop Link
San Cayetano San Cayetano Waterford QR Code San Cayetano Waterford Desktop Link