Educational Services


What We Offer
We are proud to provide curriculum, standards, and textbooks for grades kindergarten through twelfth and professional development for teachers and administrators in our District. These programs are based on the premise of equal access to the core curriculum for all students.

Standards-Based Accountability
This is a system that consists of:

  • Setting standards
  • Delivering content through instructional activities that focus on the standards
  • Administering assessments
  • Determining performance level of students
  • Analyzing and reporting results
  • Designing program improvement
Watch this video to learn how FUSD educators are building Math proficiency in our youngest students!

Watch this video to learn how FUSD's involvement with the California Reading and Literature Project is improving reading skills for elementary students! 

Click the play button below to hear FUSD educators speak about our commitment to improving learning outcomes for all students in the Rising from the Margins podcast by CCEE
(Part 1) 

(Part 2)
The District English Learner Advisor Committe (DELAC) evaluates and gives input to the districts Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Title III addendum, English Learner Master Plan, and provided valuable feedback for the district's plans, policies, and communications to our families of English Learners. The DELAC meetings are always a public meeting. The DELAC members are elected to their position by each of the school's English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC) . If you would like to provide input to you DELAC representative you are invited to contact your child's school in order to attend a meeting or contact the ELAC committee.